Web Design

The New Gutenberg Editor
The Gutenberg Editor is soon to appear in Wordpress 5.0, and is set to be the biggest change in WordPress history. Gutenberg is an exciting and rich new modern editing experience. If you've used WordPress for some time, you will know that it has been constantly...

Headings and H1 Tags for WordPress Beginners
If you have a brand new website and are still using 'font size' on the toolbar to create your headings, like you do in MS Word...then you may wish to think again. Why? Because effective web content needs to be written for Search Engines, as well as humans. Use Heading...

making your website mobile friendly
Making your website mobile friendly helps your potential customers who use smartphones and iPads to browse the internet. Mobile devices are designed for people on the move, and by making your website mobile friendly you will win customers. Mobiles devices try to...

Why you need a website working overtime for you 365 days 24/7
Why you need a website for your business in 2013, is because a vast number of people are using the Internet to research products and services. Google handles 100 billion searches per month. What percentage of that number could be someone searching for your products or services?

Fatal web page mistakes that your business should avoid
Critical web page mistakes are being experienced by the vast majority of websites. These web page mistakes are the omission of the two major success factors. Most websites that set out to be successful, start with a plan. To reach for some goal or set of objectives. Very few actually achieve those goals.

How to improve your website performance
How to improve your website, can mean different things to different people. You may be fed up with how it looks or wish it could do more. If you run a business, you are probably more interested in how improve performance because that is what will help to grow your business.

Good Webpage Design should meet your aims and objectives
Building a good webpage design from scratch used to require a lot of technical expertise. The production process was complex and time consuming, and consequently expensive.